@school-in-UK is able to offer short integration courses of several weeks, a full term or year in selected, high quality schools (depending on spaces available) so that students can experiencing the culture and ethos of a UK boarding school. The students work alongside the UK full time students, wear school uniform, adopt all the rules and schedules of the school and are expected to fully participate in all aspects of school life. Students will be full boarders and will be allocated a place in one of the boarding houses of the school. They have the same opportunities as full time boarders for evening and weekend activities, which may include excursions, sport or simply socialising with their new friends.

@school-in-UK has enjoyed working closely with a number of schools for several years who offer integration programmes. We are confident the schools we advise parents to consider offer high quality care, tuition and a well-rehearsed programme that reflects the ethos of UK boarding schools. Demand for these courses has increased significantly in the past few years. We recommend an early application to secure a place. Once fees have been paid, the school will issue the visa support letter and parents are required to return several forms from the school to ensure the school has all the information needed for a student’s welfare and safety. @school-in-UK will assist and guide parents through all the procedures and liaise with schools throughout the whole process of application, preparation and the course.

For some students, these short courses are followed by a longer term placement either in the following September or at a later age.