For parents who wish their children to study as full-time students in a UK school, the options are many and varied. For the most selective and well-known schools, a start at as early an age as possible is advisable, preferably at one of the many excellent Preparatory Schools (for ages 7 to 13 years) in the UK. For students who start at a later age, then the level of English language ability will be important in the selection process because the level of English required to pass the rigorous examinations is demanding.

There are many high quality schools, less well-known to international parents, that are also very successful at bringing the best out of their students. In these schools, the academic curriculum is rigorous and broad, and students routinely gain entry to the best UK universities. There will also be huge opportunities for students to enjoy and specialise in activities such as the creative and performing arts, music, sport and drama, not only as part of the extended curriculum but as additional activities in the evenings and at weekends.

Application for entry should be accompanied by a recent school report and a personal profile. There will also be some entry assessments prior to an offer of a place assuming students gain the necessary entry standard. Many schools are full well before the end of the preceding October for September entry, so  applications should be made as early as possible.

Due to the difference in systems between the UK and Russia the Pre A level or Pre IB course is frequently the best route for students of 16 years of age. @school-in-UK  is able to assist parents who wish to access UK Universities for their child and for who the three year course of A/IB levels is appropriate.

You may find it useful to read this page which fully explains the UK education system